Sister Bridgit

My Spammers set up a crap blog in the name of Sister Bridgit from Ireland, full of pictures of nuns smoking and holding guns etc in the hope of looking like an actual blogger, it had GB, Lord Milky and Mutley the dog commenting on it, three suspect people/personas.

Then Sister Brigit commented on me, it was like the terrible accent GB tried to write in his bitter post about me, it was definitely him writing it.

Fat Sparrow said:

( Sister Bridgit, I haven't heard a vernacular that piss-poor since the last time I heard Madonna have a go at being English. Pull your anal, I mean rosary, beads out of your ass and get thee back to a nunnery in Ireland to have some practice at speaking like the common folk.)

Sister Bridgit said...
Fat Sparrow, you pot bellied salad dodger.foreskin face2/10 for humour- 4/10 for profanityshit/dog turd/flies2/10 for humour-4/10 for profanityretarded Geordie/gobfull jizz2/10 for humour-4/10 for profanitySaying something that your social worker finds rude will not piss on my sherbert fatso.

Now if you had insulted me, and still made me laugh then I would have hated you so I would. Hey I’d hate for you to think I was fattest… You are definitely fatter so you are.

Friday, July 06, 2007 5:52:00 PM

Sister Bridgit said...
When all your life has been about is fixating on the flesh, then that is your fucking reward you soft secular bellyacher.

Listen up meat product. Did I say where I was born?

Friday, July 06, 2007 10:45:00 AM

Sister Bridgit totally lost, this was Jungle Jane writing now, she is such a light weight, when you have to use fat jokes yer done, besides 'Fat' is ironic not physical and she loves salads.

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