I Won I Suppose

I just recently took my main blog off moderation, I now don't care if they fill up my comment box with boring shite I'm more interested in the posts than thinking of a witty come backs for 10 comments saying "great post" or "lol :)" I don't care.

I do not want others saying, "just forget about it" ok it wasn't you getting spammed, me on the other hand have cursed them with a fucking hex, don't push me. Also I don't want to hear how PC, GB or JJ wouldn't do such a thing, they did it, I'm positive and I know what kind of people they are.

I still have plenty of zip files I didn't even open saved on my computer from the spammers with matched up IPs.

I still don't know why they did it, I guess it had to be jealousy that I can and do better than them in such a short time. Well good luck on yer newsletter, you'll need it, I've already decided it will fail. You may know big words but yer dick is still small.

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