A. A. Ayscoughe~Hussey said...
Do you know in my time I have been asked and accused on numerous occasions of being multiple personalities? It does seem to be a recurring theme with some people. To date I have been accused of being no less than~
T. P. Fuller
D. C. Warmington
Jungle Jane
Oliver Gosling
Peter Hitchins
Lucien Modo
Your good self (that’s you Bananas)&Sister Bridgit
Now how much time do people suppose that I have?
By the way, I’m not sure to what end, but last time I looked Old Mr. Knudsen (who is at variance with myself because he says that he is funnier than me, but for some reason dislikes this idea. But hey~ho!) seemed to think I was you, and some other people too.
Does no one realise that it is possible to discover who posts what and where?On another matter, why do you want to speak privately with my good self?
Have you some personal problem that requires some discretion? I am all ears.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
You weren't fooling anyone also you just happened to ignore the fact I matched yer comments to yer ISP. Yer blog was pure PC, oh thats right you accused me of spamming you and yer blog has now gone when you couldn't get a foot hold with those around me. Modo was another obvious spammer too.
Some of you may have by now been spammed by some individuals using my avatar. I have been under attack with these childish twats for the last week and as they are not getting anywhere with me as I haven't broken doon and cried they are following the path I thought they would and commenting/spamming as me to discredit me.
They are doing this out of jealousy and small mindedness. I can't help it if I became popular or if I'm more funny than them. Of course I'll never give in and take my blog doon. I will not let the terrorists win.
I have followed them on my 3 site meters and various comments etc and know who it is and know who is somehow connected with them in this. I am not interested in hearing the denials from the numerous fake personas they have created or how I am paranoid as I heard all that in the OJ trial.
They spam themselves and argue with themselves in their comments to look good but myself and Fat Sparrow know their lies.
They won't stop and don't care about you, they are stupid people who can't take being bested so resort to childish pranks to make them think they are powerful and are in control in their lives. Fuck the penis issues and lack of hugs in their lives are so abundantly clear.
Here are those responsible, if you have them on yer links feel free to remove them. Yes its a he said/ she said thing and I can only give you my word that what I say is true. Why would I do this after 10 months? please e-mail me if you have any doubts, I am a real person just trying to have fun with a blog until these morons decided to stop me. I don't care how many years they have been blogging for or their denials for 10 months I never got any hate mail until after this lot contacted me about a writing gig that was just a set up.
The Curmudgeon -- Philip Challinor Head wanker boring as fuck
The Japing Ape -- Gorilla Bananas A Challinor persona likes to play a nice guy.
The Jungle-- Jungle Jane Challinor's attack hag Stupid all day unfunny all night responsible for most of the spamming.
AAA Hussey Written by Challinor and used by others to comment and attack from, just a front.
Lord Milky A Challinor friend or persona and though may seem like such a nice guy but is dirty.
Blog this -- Jenny Friend or Persona of Jane who cares?
Other personas used for spamming myself and others --- my own of course, Hector Munroe, Sister Bridget, The Monday club.
They made me post this, they wouldn't stop, go talk to them I've had it with the slimy cunts, of course they'll tell you I'm mad and will be very indignant about it , whatever.
A. A. Ayscoughe~Hussey has left a new comment on your post "War Is Hell On Yer Skin.":
Old KnudsenYou are trying my patience. You have to date accused me of being someone called Phillip, whoever he is, Jane, Gorilla Bananas, and Modo. How much time do you think I have for sitting down making up nonsense?If you look at what I write you will see that I do not post very often, this is because I work for a living, and do not have the amount of free time available.As far as some ‘problem’ that I am supposed to have with you; let me tell you that it is of no great concern to me. On occasion I would dip into your pages because you were recommended to me. I made the odd comment, and you in fact took exception to me, and if you recall I have not posted with you since, as you said that I was not welcome. For me that was the end of the matter.Let me say once and for all, that I have not attacked you or your friend’s pages at any time. Neither am I aware of who is attacking you and your friend. And from looking at your comments you seem to be also accusing Jungle Jane. What exactly are you thinking of?You have to admit with your particular abrasive style you must piss some people off, it just does not happen to be me. I don’t give a fig.For heaven’s sake grow up, and good luck!
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Posted by
A. A. Ayscoughe~Hussey to Old Bitter Balls at Tuesday, July 10, 2007 9:44:00 AM
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