Yeah Yeah, Whatever.

Mel Johnson
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Zodiac Year: Rat Industry: Internet
Location: London : United Kingdom

Blog Name
Team Members
The Flat Of The Nephilim


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On Blogger Since
March 2007
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I like to click on the links in this blog to see what my spammer chums are up to. Here is yet another fake profile with a blog thats hidden from the public, yeah like theres anything on it Sister Bridgit and Leviathan go to it too. GB also has a closed blog, it depends who you know if you want to get onto it, this one I wouldn't bother with.
The 618 views is from when they had a different blog attached and they click onto their own profile themselves. It looks like they are inventing a whole Johnson family, or a family of dicks depending on how you see it.
They wish they were a 23 year-old hot gurl, better than what they are now.

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