No One Spams The Mediocre

Two examples of half-arsed fake blogs, if you click on my former spam links you'll find its now "end of the peer" the former spam/blogger known as AA Hussey now has "dennis lives here" though it was no effort to change IPs for him/her.

You can tell these fake blogs by how boring and just not very well thought out they are but still they get commenters, and the same old ones as did the rounds with those who spammed me, a new blog would pop up and Gorilla Bananas and Mutley would be on joining in the fun and lending it credibility by using their names, also suspect spammers in the links with the odd genuine one in order to travel to me via them.

No one has to believe me about any of these people, I don't care if you'd rather be fooled than think the worse of people you know/like better than me through e-mails and blogs enjoy the taste of yer own hole, read this blog and work through yer naivety.

I've always been had to like because no matter what name I use on my blogs I believe in truth and thats a thing many people fear the most, especially about themselves

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