Who Are You?

20th june 2007:

Dear Sir

--In light of your information, I would like to reconsider my refusal.
While I can make a fairly educated guess as to whom the other contributors mightbe, I am mainly concerned in learning your real identity, aside from the Johnny Johnson/Lord Milky identity.
You can be assured of my complete discretion, of course, as I hope I can be assured ofyours. I have this funny quirk in which I like to know who someone really is before I become their bitch.
Please let me apologize in advance if Johnny Johnson is your actual name. It seemed to good to be true.
Feel free to contact me if the offer still stands on your end.



You can see I've slipped back into persona to deal with him, hmmm maybe I don't trust him HA!................. more likely I'm lazy.
I wanted to find out who he was as business partners usually know things like that and I wasn't going to tell him my name until they gave me something more than a fake persona.

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